
Sheila akan sibuk beberapa bulan ini dengan beberapa tugas besar yang perlu diberikan perhatian penuh. Antara tugas-tugas yang perlu dilaksanakan menyiapkan final project paper yang perlu diserahkan sebelum 21hb February 2010. Selepas itu Sheila perlu menyiapkan presentation slides untuk pembentangan pada 5-7hb April 2010.

Jadi sebarang pertanyaan/pembelian mesin jahit masih boleh dibuat melalui sms : 012-3013341 atau e-mail : rosilawati.wahid@gmail.com. 

Hingga jumpa lagi... ceria-ceria selalu.. >_<

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Sheila will be busy this next few months with several major tasks that must be given full attention. Among the tasks that need to be implemented is to prepare the final project paper which it should be submitted before 21st February 2010. After that I should prepare presentation slides for the presentation on 5-7th April 2010.

So any inquiries / purchase of sewing machines can still be made through sms: 012-3013341 or e-mail: rosilawati.wahid @ gmail.com.

Till we meet again, have fun >_< 

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